Why Net Neutrality is Important to Me

If you have not heard about it yet, the rules of Net Neutrality are being repealed and questioned once again. Net Neutrality allows us people and users of the internet to view and search it freely. It protects free speech and allows for the internet to be uncensored, no matter how daunting or vile it might be at times. Many people all over the internet have been writing, blogging, and expressing what Net Neutrality means to them, so I thought I would do that for myself today on my personal blog. Note that this will get kind of political, so for those who don’t want to read this or are trying to stay away from politics, don’t read this. However, I will say that you should read this since it could be impacting and coming to your city in the very short future IF something bad happens this week with it.

Net Neutrality has allowed me as a blogger and writer to express my opinion and not have to worry about my blog posts to be taken down or censored. It has also allowed me to view and share content on my blog that has also not been taken down due to censorship.

When writing on TeamApple News and TeamApple Toys, it has allowed me to express my opinion on apps and services that I have used and reviewed. Without Net Neutrality and the First Amendment, that would not have been possible.

Another thing that Net Neutrality has done for me and us as a nation is to be able to watch and stream whatever we want whenever we want. Without it, internet providers could slow down or completely not allow consumers to use services like Netflix and Hulu. Or in another case, an internet provider could allow for a user to use Hulu because the company approves or likes Hulu, but then slows down or does not allow the user to use Netflix.

Without it, we would not be able to be as entertained or be able to live the way we have lived throughout the past few years ever since the internet and social media took off. We would not be able to have great memes like this:


One of the reasons I believe Net Neutrality to be under question is the fact that society has become too sensitive. What gets really old really quick are people that like to censors others by saying they are offended in order to not hear what the person has to say. This has become a very popular way on college campuses for getting rid of speakers they do not want to hear or agree with.

Not having these freedoms to say and do what we want would make America a borderline communist nation where you could only believe and say one opinion and one opinion only. I’m pretty sure Tim Allen/Mike Baxter from Last Man Standing had an opinion or two about this.

At the end of the day, we need these internet freedoms. If we were to lose them, then God only knows what kind of country we would become. Frankly, I like the internet the way it is today and would absolutely hate to lose that.

To learn more about Net Neutrality, click the link here

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